Applying is easy, and it can help your family for the rest of their lives.Click on the link below to find out what you’ll need to bring with you. Your first appointment will take about an hour and we’ll work together to complete some paperwork.We will schedule your appointments close to where you live. Call 1-80 or 20 or Maine Relay 711 (TTY) to apply.Bangor Public Health and Community Services has offices and clinics in Bangor, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Corinth, Lincoln, Millinocket, Milo, Newport, and Greenville.WIC offices and clinics are located in many communities throughout the State.Use the WIC Pre-Screening Tool to find out if you qualify.A person who receives MaineCare, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and/or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) automatically meet the income requirements.To be eligible on the basis of income, applicants’ income must fall at or below 185 percent of the U.S.You might be surprised who is eligible for WIC: Many working families qualify!.People are eligible for WIC based on income guidelines and nutritional risk.Infants and children up to the age of five, including adopted and foster children.Find your closest clinic on the Indiana WIC Clinic Locations page. The Indiana WIC Program serves an average of 145,000 women, infants, and children each month through a statewide network of 140 WIC clinics. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or had a baby in the last six months To apply, set up an appointment at the WIC clinic closest to you. WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a nutrition program, nationally recognized as an effective means for improving access to nutritious foods and promoting healthier eating and lifestyles.